Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of summer for most people. Cookouts, trips to the lake, fighting obscene levels of traffic, everything that you need for a great 3 day weekend.

For many of us though, Memorial Day means a little more. My wife just finished 22 years in both the USAF and the USAF Reserves and retired last February as a Lt. Colonel. My father was a flight mechanic instructor during Vietnam, our grandparents fought in WWII, and generally, we know a lot of great men and women currently serving around the world. This weekend is about them, their families, and the sacrifices that we all made over the years. A lot was sacrificed so that we can have fun at the lake, something that a lot of people around the world will never be able to do.

So while you are out playing this weekend, please, give a thought the people in service who have helped make it possible for us to live the way we do. And if you are looking for a gift for your soldier, airman, marine or sailor, I talked my friend Dave over at ChanizOnline in to giving everyone a 10% off coupon (BlessOurVets2010) for any St. George medal, the patron saint of soldiers, that he has for sale.

Most importantly, take the time to thank a soldier this weekend, thank his or her family, and let them know that you appreciate all that they do.

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