Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Cyber Monday All Week!!

Who thinks that just one day of staggeringly low prices and even lower profit margins is enough?? Not us!! That's right, Cyber Monday is going on all week here at Animal Charms. By using Coupon Code "CYBER" you get an additional 25% off of any order at Animal Charms!

I know what you are thinking, 25% really isn't that much.. But wait, there's more!!

Every day our prices are already 10% below MSRP. Plus instead of our normal 10% donation to animal charities we are doubling that to 20%!! Add in the 25% coupon code and we are a full 55% BELOW MSRP on every piece of animal jewelry on our web site.

So come on over and pick out a great piece of jewelry for someone else, or yourself, and use coupon code CYBER to get your 25% discount.