Hanzo, the adorable 1 year old pit bull puppy who happens to own a person named Corin Sän Inman, is suffering from luxating patellas in both knees. Fortunately for Hanzo his people, also seen around twitter as @plunderpuss, has some talent when it comes to art.
Enter the plunderzoo. Hordes of strange creatures have escaped from the zoo and we can help recapture them by making a small donation to Hanzo and the surgery he needs. Your $10 donation will get you a great little 3x5 art card of the animal you helped capture. Very cool IMO.
If you want to help out and get yourself a cool little piece of art, head over to the plunderzoo and pick out your own animal to capture. Me, I'm going after something mysterious I think. What are you planning to capture?
Wow, thank you :D I really appreciate the write-up! (And the compliments.)